Monday, May 6, 2013

Why I Wish to Teach

I feel like teaching is what I am called to do. Growing up I was the oldest out of my family and I took on that role of being the grown up towards them and helped them with as much as I could. Also, my mom has worked at a day care for 15+ years and growing up in a day care system I learned about  many different situations and how to handle them. I have lots of experience with children.

My ideal classroom would be a tough stance on discipline with an open mind towards students and their learning to really understand any topic, a series of questions, from both I the teacher and students, need to be asked.

In order to learn, a classroom must be a place not only for students to be sitting in a room bored and to jam pack materials in their head for eight hours, but where ideas can be discovered, challenged and reformed into better, for more understandings. School is where students develop skills that help them interact and adapt to a changing world.

When a teacher knows the subject well, it becomes more natural for the teacher to teach it well to their students. Working with students is the primary aim of the teacher’s career. Teachers must know how to work in the many roles and fulfill the numerous duties that we have.

So you may ask, why do I wish to be a teacher? Because I love children, to be a role model for children, teach them about tomorrow, to be creative, its unpredictable, and most importantly it is rewarding!

My goal is to be the teacher to instill a passion for learning within my students while providing them with an educational environment that is encouraging and positive. Through education, and individual will receive the skills and tools that are necessary to build in life that is successful.

As you can see in this picture, the teacher has her students circling around her. This is a way to get her students more engaged with what they are learning; (because they are in a group discussion). This is what I would love to do with my students.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

I have watched the video Harness Your Students' Smarts and it is about an Edublog award winning teacher, Vicki Davis. She uses all different types of technology in her classroom. She uses technology to get her students to connect with the world through education. It is important for Davis to get her students involved with the different types of technology. One point in the video was that Davis talked about having her students learn some certain things on their own. She would use big and difficult words on purpose so that the students could use the Internet to look up those words and learn them for themselves. She herself teaches the classroom as well as the students. I absolutely agree with Davis in how she teaches in her classroom. I would one day love to put as much technology in my classroom as she and many other teachers are now doing in the classrooms today. I want my students to be able to expand their minds with all the different technology instead of just using pencil and paper. Some students only see technology as being only for social networking to connect with their friends and family, but it also is a way of learning. If you put technology in a classroom your students will be more willing to learn and be engaged with the subject and the assignment you are teaching. I feel like bringing different types of technology into my classroom will expand my students minds to think critically and to be creative. Technology is important in todays life because in todays world just about everyone uses it for different types of things, such as their studies and work. Technology is increasing each and everyday and is ALWAYS changing. So parents and future teachers or teachers of today, do not be afraid to use technology with your children and students. It will help them in todays changing world.

I have provided the video of Harness Your Students' Smarts. The video shows what classrooms may look like in the future. Enjoy!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Social Networking

The Effects of Social Networking Sites on Children

This article explains that children of the age of 8-13 are signing up for different social networking cites. Even though most of these social networking cites require a person to be 13 years of age to join the cite, kids lie about their age to ensure that they get an account. Despite the online dangers of social networking for children, research and studies have shown that the different social networking cites are "changing children's brains." It is thought that it is making children more self centered and reducing their attention span. It has also been said that with children using the social networking cites as online conversations and writing that it has made them use short cuts in words and sentences. Therefore, when they get into a classroom and having to write a paper or do an assignment the children are talking and writing the same as they would on their social networking cite. It is our job as teachers and parents to talk to students about not only the danger in social networking cites, but to help them realize the importance of everyday language; how to speak it and write it. So when they are in a classroom and out in the real world they will know the importance of knowing the skills of reading and writing.

As you can see in this picture above, a girl is in the library (probably supposed to be studying) and she is on a social networking cite (Facebook).

Social Media At Work

This article explains that there has been research and studies shown that when workers are on different types of social networking cites during a day of working it increases customer interaction and, eventually, higher productivity.Workers are encouraged to tweet, chat, like, and Skype on the job. In my opinion I do not think this is a very good thing society is now starting to do. I feel like it will slow down a days of work and workers will always be behind in doing the actual work that needs to be done. To me it just does not look good for many people out there. I also feel like people can be smarter than that and to engage with their customers face to face or over a phone call instead of over the Internet or via web. I certainly would not like talking to a person over the Internet. I hope in the future things will change and people will start doing things the old fashion way and greet customers with kindness and show them that they care 100%.

Monday, April 29, 2013

About Me

My name is Madison Taylor Brady. I am 20 years old. I graduated from Gurdon High School in 2010. I am an Office Cashier at Brookshires Grocery Company (May 2010-Present) I am currently attending Henderson State University. I am majoring in Early Childhood Education and getting my masters in Special Education.

My hobbies are reading non-fiction books and listening to music. When I am feeling stressed and need to relax, I just grab a book and read or grab my headphones and listen to music.

I am engaged to the best guy a girl could ever ask for, Micah Dillon Loy. We have been dating since we were 16 (September 10, 2008). We are the definition of high school sweethearts. He went off to basic training for the National Guard Army right after we graduated high school. After he got back, he asked me to marry him (November 13, 2010). We are very close and do everything together. We have the same interest and are just alike, that's what makes us unique and special. I love that boy with all my heart and I cant wait to spend forever with him.

I am willing to try new and different things and I work hard for what I have. 

I have four siblings; three brothers, Corey (20), Evan (17), Cade (8), and one sister Blakely (15). I absolutely love children. Growing up I helped my parents raise my younger siblings by, helping them with their homework, giving them advice, and being a role model for them.

Growing up I volunteered at my church in helping take care of the younger children in the nursery while church services was taken place. Also my mom has been working at a daycare for 15+ years and I have helped her from time to time with her children. My theme for this blog is to blog about different situations and what is going through my life on a day to day basis for people to see what goes on in my everyday life and watch me reach for the gold.